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Could you explain the correct method for quoting a book, using the English language?
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There are different styles you can use, such as APA, MLA, or Chicago, when quoting a book.
Steps to Properly Quote a Book
- Choose the Relevant Passage: Select the exact text you wish to quote.
- Introduce the Quote: Provide context or an introduction to the quote in your text.
- Quote the Text: Use quotation marks around the quoted passage.
- Cite the Source: Include a citation immediately following the quote or at the end of the sentence.
APA Style
In-Text Citation: Include the author's last name, year of publication, and page number(s).
- "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world" (Mandela, 1994, p. 67).
Reference List:
- Mandela, N. (1994). Long walk to freedom: The autobiography of Nelson Mandela. Little, Brown and Company.
MLA Style
In-Text Citation: Include the author's last name and page number(s).
- "To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment" (Emerson 45).
Works Cited:
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Self-Reliance and Other Essays. Dover Publications, 1993.
Chicago Style
In-Text Citation (Footnote or Endnote):
- Include a superscript number at the end of the quote, which corresponds to a footnote or endnote.
- "In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."¹
- ¹Martin Luther King Jr., A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings and Speeches of Martin Luther King Jr. (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1986), 53.
- King, Martin Luther Jr. A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings and Speeches of Martin Luther King Jr. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1986.
Formatting Long Quotes
For longer quotes (more than 40 words in APA, or four lines in MLA), use a block quote format:
- Omit quotation marks.
- Indent the entire quote one inch from the left margin (APA and MLA) or as per specific guidelines (Chicago).
- Double-space the quote (APA and MLA).
Example of a Block Quote in APA:
According to Smith (2020):
Longer quotations are formatted differently. They are set off from the main text and do not use quotation marks. The entire quote is indented and double-spaced. This format is used to clearly distinguish the quoted material from the writer’s own words. (p. 123)
If you paraphrase a passage rather than quoting it directly, you still need to cite the source.
APA Example:
- According to Mandela (1994), education is a powerful tool for change (p. 67).
MLA Example:
- Emerson argues that being true to oneself is a significant achievement (45).
Chicago Example:
- Martin Luther King Jr. highlights the importance of remembering the silence of friends rather than the words of enemies.²
²Martin Luther King Jr., A Testament of Hope, 53.
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